Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sri Aurobindo - A Biography

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An exhaustive biography of Sri Aurobindo (1872 - 1950) who was an Indian nationalist and freedom fighter, poet, philosopher, and yogi. He joined the movement for India's freedom from British rule and for a duration (1905-1910), became one of its most important leaders, before turning to developing his own vision and philosophy of human progress and a spiritual path which he termed Integral Yoga. He wrote over a hundred poems, many plays and several

In his famous Uttarapara speech, he proclaimed, "I say no longer that nationalism is a creed, a religion, a faith;I say that it is the Sanatana Dharma which for us is nationalism. This Hindu nation was born with the Sanatana Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatana Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatana Dharma were capable of perishing, with the Sanatana Dharma it would perish.The Sanatana Dharma, that is nationalism. This is the message that I have to speak to you".

Of India's future Sri Aurobindo prophesied : "India of the ages is not dead nor has She spoken Her last creative word. And that which She must seek now to awake, is not an anglicised oriental people, docile pupil of the West and doomed to repeat the cycle of the Occident's success and failure, but still the ancient immemorial Shakti recovering Her deepest self, lifting Her head higher towards the supreme source of light and strength and turning to discover the complete meaning and vaster form of Her Dharma".

Patanjali Yoga Sutra - Sanskrit text with English Commentary by Swami Vivekananda

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This book is a commentary on Patanjali Yoga Sutras by Swami Vivekananda. Original Sanskrit sutras, their transliteration and translation are also provided for the convenience of the readers.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (2nd century BCE) is a foundational text of Yoga. In Indian philosophy, Yoga is the name of one of the six orthodox philosophical schools. Though brief, the Yoga Sutras are an enormously influential work on yoga philosophy and practice.

Patanjali divided his Yoga Sutras into 4 chapters or books (Sanskrit pada), containing in all 196 aphorisms, divided as follows:

1. Samadhi Pada - Concentration or Absorption (51 sutras)
2. Sadhana Pada - Practice or means to attain it (55 sutras)
3. Vibhuti Pada - Powers or Manifestations (56 sutras)
4. Kaivalya Pada - Isolation or Liberation (34 sutras)

Patanjali's Yoga is also called "ashtanga yoga" because of the eight "limbs" or steps of this Yoga prescribed in the second pada of the Yoga Sutras viz. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

Sri Narayana Guru - Complete Works - Malayalam

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This book is a compilation of the complete works of Sri Narayana Guru(1854 - 1928), a great Indian seer of 20th century who visualized the ultimate reality in himself. The Guru was born in Chempazhanthi, Kerala in 1854. A great philosopher-poet of modern India, the Guru, and erudite scholar of Sanskrit, Malayalam and Tamil, belonged to the great Indian philosophical tradition of Advaita. As the force being the social reform movement, the Guru paved the way for a progressive Kerala society. Gurudevan, as he was fondly known to his followers, led a quiet but significant social revolution. The Guru was instrumental in setting the spiritual foundations for social reform in today's Kerala and was one of the most successful social reformers who tackled caste in India.

This book contains 57 works of the Guru in Malayalam, Sanskrit and Tamil. They are categorised into 5 sections:

1. Hymns of Gods and Goddesses
2. Moral & ethical teachings
3. Philosophical Works
4. Translations of Classics
5. Prose works

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Bible (New International Version, Malayalam Old Testament & Malayalam New Testament

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Download Malayalam New Testament (27 books) as a single file

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Old Testament (39 books)   

 New Testament (27 books)

Ashtavakra Gita - Sanskrit text with English transliteration & translation

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The Ashtavakra Gita or the Song of Ashtavakra, also known as Ashtavakra Samhita is an Advaita Vedanta scripture which documents a dialogue between the sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka.

Ashtavakra Gita presents the traditional teachings of Advaita Vedanta with a clarity and power very rarely matched. The work was known, appreciated and quoted by Ramakrishna and his disciple Vivekananda, as well as by Ramana Maharshi.

Ashtavakra Gita states that there is no such thing as existence or non existence, right or wrong, or moral or immoral. In the eyes of the Ashtavakra, one's true identity can be found by simply recognizing oneself as Pure Existence and that as individuals we are the Awareness of all things.

The Ashtavakra Gita teaches that one is already free once one realises one is free. It advocates non-action, the loss of desire and severing of worldly attachments. To free oneself from the cycle of life and death one should withdraw from all Earthly desires, worries and cares. To continue indulging in Earthly things even after one has realised their true nature is said to be foolish and time wasting. Instead it paints a picture of The Master as someone who continues to keep up their responsibilities in the world, not because they believe they have to or due to any worldy attachments, but simply that it is in their nature to do so. To avoid misinterpretation in this regard teachers traditionally recommend that Ashtavakra Gita be pursued by only those who have already advanced on the spiritual path.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra - Sanskrit Text with English Translation

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Vijnana Bhirava, one of the basic Agamas, is a chapter from Rudrayamala Tantra that contains teachings on Advaita (to be differentiated from Adviata Vedanta). Vijnana Bhairava means "the mystic knowledge of the Ultimate Reality". This text is in the form of a dialogue between the God Siva and Parvati, his divine consort.

Vijnana Bhirava expounds 112 techniques of meditation (Dharanas) or of Union with the Divine. We find in this book an incredible variety of spiritual practices and ways of discovering pure consciousness in all kinds of conditions and circumstances.

Siva says, "If one is established in any of these 112 ways of meditation, one becomes the Bhairava (Divine) himself".

Sri Ramanujacharya - A biography


Ramanuja (11th Century CE), also known as Ramanujacharya, was a theologian, philosopher, and scriptural exegete. He is seen by Sri Vaishnavas as the third and most important teacher (Acharya) of their tradition (after Nathamuni and Yamunacharya), and by Hindus in general as the leading expounder of Visishtadvaita, one of the classical interpretations of the dominant Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy.

Ramanuja may have written 9 books. They are also referred to as the nine precious gems, the Navarathnas.

1. His most famous work is known as the Sri Bhasya or Brahma Sutra Bhasya. It is a commentary on the Brahma Sutras.

2-4. Gadhya Thrayam (three prose hymns). All three are: Vaikunta Gadyam describing in great detail Vaikuntha, Sriranga Gadyam, a prayer of surrender to the feet of Ranganatha, Saranagati Gadyam, an imagined dialogue between Ramanuja and Shri (Lakshmi) and Narayana where he petitions Lakshmi to recommend Narayana to give him

5. Vedartha Sangraha (a resume of Vedanta). It sets out Ramanuja’s philosophy, which is theistic (it affirms a morally perfect, omniscient and omnipotent God) and

6. Vedanta Saara (essence of Vedanta) an appendix to Sri Bhasya

7. Vedanta Deepa (the light of Vedanta), another

8. Gita Bhashya ( his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita)

9. Nithya Grantham (About the day to day activities to be performed by all SriVaishnavas)

Upanishad Vakya Kosa – A Concordance of the Principal Upanishads & Bhagavadgita

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One of the major difficulties in appreciating the various commentaries on Vedanta Sutras and other ancient Indian philosophical texts is that numerous citations from the Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita are found in them without any exact authenticated reference to the original source. With a view to overcoming this difficulty by providing relevant cross-references, as also to furnishing useful material to students of philology and lexicography, Col. G. A. Jacob has compiled this book. This volume owes its existence to a pressing sense of need.

In Woods of God Realisation - Swami RamaTirtha - Volume 2

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This is the second volume of Complete Works of Swami Rama Tirtha that has been compiled in 7 volumes.

Described as “one of the greatest souls, not only of India, but of the whole world” by Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Rama Tirtha (1873-1906) was a living embodiment of the teachings of Vedanta. One of the greatest saints and philosophers of India, Rama Tirtha brought the message of yoga and Vedanta to Japan, Egypt, and the U.S. In the Woods of God Realization is a complete collection of his writings and lectures. In this seven volume work Rama Tirtha presents a practical and inspiring view of Vedanta and also discusses timely topics such as married life and realization, Christianity and Islam, war and peace, and patriotism.

Kristumata Chedanam - Sri Chattampi Swamikal - English Translatlion

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English translation of Kristumata Chedanam, a Hindu critique of Christianity, written in Malayalam by H H Chattampi Swamikal, a great saint and scholar of last century from Kerala, South India, as a rejoinder to many Christian Missionary books slandering Hindu Gods, scriptures, in the year 1890 when Indian intellectuals did not dare criticize Christianity.

The author examines Christianity from Hindu point of view and points out logical fallacies in christian concepts of "God in Heaven", "Episode of Garden of Eden", "Jesus' Resurrection", "Eternal Heaven and Hell" and "Last Day" and "Judging all humanity on the basis of One Scripture".  

Bhagavad Gita Malayalam - Text & Translation


Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Malayalam with meaning of all 700 slokas and of Geeta Dhyanam and Geeta Mahatmyam. Bhagavad Gita is the most popular Hindu scripture. It is said in Gita Mahatmya that Gita is the essence of Vedas.

"All the Upanishads are the cows, the one who milks the cows is Krishna, Arjuna (Partha) is the calf. Men of purified intellect are the beneficiaries; the cow's milk is the great nectar of the Gita".

Famous Quotes on Bhagavad Gita

Adi Sankara: From a clear knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita all the goals of human existence become fulfilled. Bhagavad-Gita is the manifest quintessence of all the teachings of the Vedic scriptures.

Aldous Huxley: The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.

Carl Jung: The idea that man is like unto an inverted tree seems to have been current in by gone ages. The link with Vedic conceptions is provided by Plato in his Timaeus in which it states..." behold we are not an earthly but a heavenly plant." This correlation can be discerned by what Krishna expresses in chapter 15 of Bhagavad-Gita.

Sri Aurobindo: The Bhagavad-Gita is a true scripture of the human race a living creation rather than a book, with a new message for every age and a new meaning for every civilization.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to my friend, Ramachandra PS (Ramu Vedanta) who was of great help in digitising Bhagavad Gita translation.

Those who are interested in MS Word 2007 version of the "Bhagavad Gita Malayalam text & translation" may download it from

The font used is 'rachana' which can be downloaded freely from many sources on the internet. One download link for 'rachana' font is given below.

In Woods of God Realization - Swami Rama Tirtha - Volume 3 - 1913 Edn


Next to the heros of the Puranas, no name is more familiar to Indians than that of Chanakya (4th century BCE) or as he is otherwise known, Kautilya or Visnugupta. Throughout the whole of India, nitis or wise sayings attributed to him, are even now taught to students. The very fact that this universal adoration is paid to his memory, shows that Kautilya was in his own days regarded as a master, whose worldly wisdom and foresight gained for him the veneration of his comtemporaries.

This book is a Hindi Translation and commentary on aphorisms of Chanakya by Sri Ramavatar Vidyabhaskar. There are 571 aphorisms in six chapters.

Chanakya begins the text with a prayer to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Usually Sanskrit texts begin with "Mangalacharanam" - a prayer to Guru, Ganesa or ones Ishta Devata for the auspicious completion of the book. We can see that Chanakya does not conform to this tradition. The first sutra, is perhaps, an explanation why he directed his prayer to Lakshmi. It says, "Wealth is the root cause of Dharma (Righteousness). The last sutra says, "Control of senses is the cause for success in all matters". Thus, through his aphorisms, Chanakya teaches that a country can progress only imbibing values such as righteousness and self-control and by acquisition of wealth through good governance.

Purnamadah Purnamidam - A Commentary by Swami Dayananda


A commentary on the Upanishadic Shanti Mantra "Puranamadah Purnamidam..." by renowned Vedantic teacher Swami Dayananda Saraswati. "Puranamadah Purnamidam..." is the Shanti Patha of Isavasya Upanishad, one the most prominent ten Upanishads. Swami Dayananda explains that this santi mantra contains the essense of the Upanishadic teaching - "All is Brahman".

Samskrita Vyavahara Sahasri - 1000 Sanskrit Sentences - Malayalam



This booklet is the Malayalam transliteration & translation of one thousand Sanskrit sentences that will be much useful to those who wish to learn to speak in Sanskrit.

This booklet contains the those sentences and words that are frequently used in different places and contexts such as school, market, kitchen, movie house, office, etc